What is RTB?

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) is the process of buying and selling ads in real-time on a per-impression basis. In the RTB process, a DSP, an ad exchange, and an SSP are involved.

What is header bidding?

Header bidding is an advanced method of programmatic advertising where publishers have the opportunity to offer inventory multiple ad exchange before making a call to an ad server.

What is an Ad Server?

In the advertising technology ecosystem, an ad server is responsible for showcasing what kind of ads are showcased to a specific audience.

What is a DSP?

A demand-side platform (DSP) enables advertisers to buy advertising inventory across different domains, apps, and video platforms.

What is an SSP?

A Supply-side platform (SSP) is an advertising technology platform that enables digital media owners to sell their inventory to advertisers and marketers. SSPs and DSPs play a key role in the programmatic buying ecosystem.

Different types of YouTube advertising? 

The YouTube platform is powerful and there are many different places you can advertise your brand on YouTube. The different ways to create an ad format on YouTube within Google Ads or Dv360.

What is “Managed Placements” in Google Ads?

Managed Placements in Google Ads allow you to choose targeted websites and apps that are relevant to your business.​

What is Google Ads?

Google ads is an advertising tool that enables advertisers and brands to launch different types of advertising campaigns.

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis applies NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques to determine whether the data is positive, negative, or neutral.

What is Brand Safety?

Brand safety can be defined as the practice to keep advertisers and brands safe from content that can potentially damage or harm the reputation of a brand.